Team Blake’s Bryce Leatherwood Wins “Voice” Instant Save With Cover Of #1 Country Hit

The Voice / YouTube

Each team had four artists left going into the Voice results show on November 15, 2022. The two artists who received the highest number of votes from each team were automatically saved.

In Team Blake’s case, the two artists who were saved by America’s votes were Brayden Lape and Bodie.

Each coach had the power to save one of the remaining artists on their team. Blake Shelton chose to save Rowan Grace, allowing her to advance to the next stage of the competition with Lape and Bodie.

But all hope was not lost for Team Blake’s last remaining artist, Bryce Leatherwood. He got the chance to compete for the Instant Save.

Leatherwood competed against Team Gwen‘s Kevin Hawkins, Team Legend’s Sasha Hurtado, and Team Camila’s Kate Kalvach. He opted to perform a #1 country hit…Billy Currington‘s 2010 single “Let Me Down Easy.”

Let Me Down Easy

Viewers loved Leatherwood’s rendition of “Let Me Down Easy.” Some of the YouTube comments about his performance were:

“He distracted my attention just from hearing him tone! Country tender love song! He’s a keeper Blake.”

“I love Bryce and he’s one of my most favorites I think he will be a mega artist . This performance was amazing !”

“How he even ended up in this position in the first place is insanity!! Bryce is a power-house with a great talent!”

“You’re gonna be somebody. Sounds great.”

So it should come as no surprise that Leatherwood ended up winning the Instant Save! Shelton celebrated Leatherwood’s win on Twitter, writing, “H— yeah!!!!! Y’all did that!!!!!”

Winning the Instant Save was a game-changing moment for Leatherwood. He continued to advance throughout the competition and ended up winning the season!

In the meantime, head below to watch Leatherwood sing “Let Me Down Easy.”