Singer Ashley Monroe Lost Dad At 13, & Her 2018 Song, “Daddy, I Told You,” Honors Him

Ashley Monroe/Facebook

For anyone who’s lost their dad, you’ll understand the power of this song from Ashley Monroe’s album, Sparrow.

Music has a way of reminding us where we were when something happened, of promises made and dreams to fulfill. For those of us who have lost a parent, the pain can be almost unbearable at times. That’s where songs like Ashley’s “Daddy I Told You” can hold your hand and lead you to a little comfort.

Her lyrics remind us that while they might be gone, you can always talk to them in your own way. She sings, “Daddy I told you I was gonna fly/ I’d get out of that town alive/ Don’t worry, I kept your name and your picture in a frame.”

Every father wants the best for their child, even if it means moving away and enjoying fewer visits. As a child, no matter your age, you know there will be a day when one of your biggest champions isn’t there to see you succeed, to cross the finish line and declare victory. That’s when you have to believe your loved one is somewhere nearby watching you.  

Ashley Monroe on Losing Her Dad, Her Music and

Ashley got into music when she was 11. A short two years later, her dad died from cancer. Fast forward to Ashley as an adult and she’s standing on the shoulders of all who’ve loved her and pushed her to pursue her dream.

She explains this in her song saying, “Remember how you made me sing them hymns on the back porch/ Daddy, don’t you know I’m carrying your spirit like a torch”

Everyone grieves in their own way. For Ashley, her music collects her tears and lends a little comfort. Life will never be the same, but that won’t stop this girl from pushing forward.

Now, Ashley is even a mother of her own. With the love and support of her family and friends – it looks like she’s going to continue doing great things.

You can listen to the song in the video below and let us know what you think of her song in the comments!