Kelly Clarkson Clarifies Comments About Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce Romance

The Kelly Clarkson Show / You Tube, SNL / YouTube

Kelly Clarkson took to Instagram to clarify that she was not “bashing” the budding romance between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce after making comments about them on her talk show.

On Friday (October 20), Kelly Clarkson welcomed Saturday Night Live cast member Bowen Yang to her Emmy Award-winning talk show, The Kelly Clarkson Show. They caught up about so many things, including Clarkson’s move to New York and dropping her matcha latte all over the 30 Rock elevator! You can see the epic fail in the video below.

Bowen Yang Reacts To Kelly Clarkson 30 Rock Elevator Fail

Yang, a pop culture superfan, and Clarkson also spoke about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, who both had surprise cameos during the Season 49 season premiere of SNL. Kelce made a cameo at the end of a sketch and Swift introduced musical guest Ice Spice for one of her performances.

Since their rumored romance began several weeks ago, some will say the NFL has gone a little too far. They cut to Swift in the crowd a lot, and even the commentators throw in fun facts about her and puns revolving around her music.

The coverage has become so crazy that even Saturday Night Live poked fun at it – and Kelce himself made a cameo at the end!

Fox NFL Sunday - SNL

Clarkson is a die-hard football fan – a Dallas Cowboys fan to be more specific – so she definitely had an opinion when it came to the NFL’s coverage of Swift being at the games.

“That’s hilarious,” Clarkson said to Yang, referring to the skit. “It’s not hilarious how it is literally taking over the NFL for people that like watching sports now…it’s like you’re watching ‘Housewives,’ they’re just talking about gossip things. And you’re just like, ‘So, what about the play?’ They’re taking over!”

She continued, saying that the skit in question was hilarious, topical, and just so spot on!

Articles began coming out making Clarkson out to be someone who hates the Swift and Kelce relationship, and those articles got so much traction that she felt the need to defend herself.

Kelly Clarkson defends herself, says she didn’t bash Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce.

In an Instagram post on Saturday (Oct. 21), she wrote:

“Just a quick public service announcement everybody since this seems to be breaking news…Do not fall prey to clickbait, trash reporters twisting the facts again. I did not bash anyone’s romance. I am pro romance. Yay romance. Did y’all even watch what I actually said on my show? I just said I want to watch football. Seems an appropriate request.” 

She signed it, “Okay, carry on, and GO COWBOYS!”


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Kelly is actually a Taylor Swift supporter.

Back in 2019, when Swift’s music catalog was purchased by music manger-turned-record label owner Scooter Braun, Clarkson tweeted an idea that Swift ended up doing – to re-record all her songs.

Swift has done that and only has one or two more albums to complete. Clarkson also can be heard in the interview below calling Swift a “genius” for doing it and for her Eras Tour.

It’s clear Clarkson has no beef with Taylor Swift, the person and musician, just the NFL’s overkill of coverage of her budding romance during football games!