Border Collie Dances With Handler In Western Routine At 2018 Crufts Dog Show

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Have You Ever Seen A Dog Dance?

Back in 2011, Big & Rich teamed up with Gretchen Wilson to record the ridiculously catchy “Fake I.D.” If you’ve ever heard the song before, you know it’s one you can’t help but dance to. 

Crufts / Facebook

It stands to reason that the Top 50 hit “Fake I.D.” inspires people to get up and get moving. After all, the song was part of the soundtrack from the 2011 remake of Footloose.

Footloose 2011-Fake ID Scene

But people aren’t the only ones who feel like grooving along to “Fake I.D.” As you’ll soon see, there’s one smart pup out there who enjoys dancing to it too!

Every year, dog lovers unite in the UK for the famous Crufts dog show. In addition to hosting a traditional dog show where a best in show winner is named, Crufts also has agility, obedience and flyball competitions.

One crowd-favorite at Crufts is the heelwork to music competition. The Kennel Club describes heelwork to music as follows:

Heelwork to Music (HTM) is a relatively recent competitive activity in which participants devise routines of up to four minutes, set to music, and perform the routines with their dog.”

Now That’s A Good Boy! (Or Gal!)

Recognizing how much fun “Fake I.D.” is to dance to, one handler decided to craft a routine for himself and his dog to showcase at the 2018 Crufts show. Dressed as a cowboy, the man took a bow in the arena while his trusty Border Collie did the same.

Crufts / Facebook

From there, the two broke out into a complicated, four-minute routine that featured a variety of moves. Dog and man worked completely in tune, with the dog never losing focus even at a distance from the handler.

The best part of the duo’s routine came at the end, which is when the dog latched on to his handler’s lasso and wrapped it around him. After that, the pooch did a little dance on the handler’s back to celebrate, and it was a celebration well-earned!

Someone needs to make this dog the star of a new Footloose movie!