“Audrey, she’s so special. She’s such an incredible writer, as well. I mean, we get to hear this whenever she’s home, she’ll sit at the piano. We can hear this all through the house, and we can hear the stuff that she’s writing. And I’m telling you, her voice and the things that she writes are just so mind-blowing, and so deep, and so special.”
“She’s just…she’s a true artist,” he continued. “She’s got a true artist soul. And we’re lucky enough we get to hear this when she’s at home and she sits around to play the piano and Faith and I will just sit there and just listen. And she doesn’t know we’re listening half the time. Sometimes we have to sneak around so she can watch her so she doesn’t see us because she’ll stop sometimes. But my goodness, I am proud…I mean, gosh, these girls.”
Tim McGraw and Faith Hill aren’t just the parents of 22-year-old Audrey; they also have two other daughters—Maggie, 25, and Gracie, 26.