Simon Cowell To Hold Auditions To Find The Next Big Boy Band

Photo Credit: David Parry/PA Media Assignments

Simon Cowell is once again on the hunt for the next big boy band.

After famously forming One Direction on the X Factor UK in 2010, Simon Cowell, the mastermind behind the group, is ready to create another iconic boy band.

The British TV personality and current judge on America’s Got Talent has revealed that he is set to hold auditions across the United Kingdom in hopes of finding this generation’s boyband sensation. Billboard reports that the process will be filmed for a “potential documentary series.”

Simon Cowell announced his search for the next “megastars” by unveiling large billboards in London. (photo by: David Parry/PA Media Assignments)
Photo by: David Parry/PA Media Assignments

Starting sometime next month, Cowell will conduct open-call auditions in cities like Newcastle, Dublin, Liverpool, and London. Once talents are selected, the aspiring band members will have to go through a rigorous boy band boot camp.

“Every generation deserves a megastar boyband and I don’t think there has been one to have the success of One Direction in over 14 years. The industry tends to focus on solo artists – so it usually takes someone from outside to put a group together,” Cowell told Rolling Stone.

And although he is aware that there are risks involved with a project like this, Cowell is excited by the unknown.

“There’s always a high degree of risk, and I genuinely have no idea what’s going to happen,” he continued. “We might uncover an incredible group; we might not get there. What if no one shows up to auditions? That could be awkward. There is no guaranteed path to success – anything can happen, but that’s what’s exciting for me, and that’s why I’m doing this.”

While many details on the project’s development still remain under wraps, auditions are scheduled to kick off next month.