Miranda Lambert Reacts To Fan’s “Selfie” Shirt During Concert


One week after the internet came after Miranda Lambert for calling out fans from stage, the singer is standing her ground.

The incident that originally got Miranda Lambert in hot water took place Saturday (July 15) during her Velvet Rodeo Las Vegas Residency. Fan footage captured the moment Lambert stopped singing her 2016 hit “Tin Man” to call out a group of five women who were taking photos instead of listening to the song.

“I’m gonna stop right here for a second, I’m sorry. These girls are worried about their selfie and not listening to the song. It’s pissing me off a little bit,” Miranda said. “I don’t like it. At all. We’re here to hear some country music tonight. I’m singing some country d*** music.”

Fan reaction was mixed at the time, with Miranda mostly getting criticized for her actions. One of the women called out by the singer gave numerous interviews to the press and said she was appalled by what had happened.

“It was 30 seconds at most. We took the picture quickly and were going to sit back down,” AdelaCalin, a social media influencer from Las Vegas, told NBC in a phone interview. “I feel like she was determined to make us look like we were young, immature and vain. But we were just grown women in our 30s to 60s trying to take a picture.”

But, videos posted a few days later from other fans in attendance painted a different picture.


One clip, posted by a concert-goer seated behind the women in question, shows two of the women posing for a pic with their back turned to the stage as Miranda begins to sing “Tin Man.” Then more ladies joined and more photos are taken with a flash. Other attendees claim that the ladies were blocking the view and that the flash was distracting from the ballad. The video poster wrote that the audience was happy when Miranda addressed the issue from the stage.

While there has been plenty of fan and media reaction to the incident, Miranda has remained quiet about it….until now.

During the final weekend of her Las Vegas residency, Lambert turned her attention to a fan near the stage after noticing her t-shirt. Miranda pointed at the fan and told the crowd, “Her shirt says ‘Shoot tequila, not selfies.”

The crowd cheered and Miranda added, “She did it. I didn’t.” She then made her way to the fan to accept a little bottle of tequila, toasted the fan then took a drink before passing the bottle to a band member who finished it off.

The brief fan encounter is the only time Miranda has acknowledged the original “selfie girls” incident since it occurred one week ago. And it appears that the singer is standing her ground on the issue.

Watch Miranda Lambert take a shot with in the video below.