Family Syncs Christmas Lights In Dance To Faith Hill’s “Where Are You, Christmas?”

One family synced their Christmas lights to Faith Hill's

(Left) Louve♥Light♥Christmas YouTube Channel/(Right) Brian Dainard YouTube Channel

Canadian Family Creates Elaborate Christmas Light Display Set To Tune Of Faith Hill’s Famous Christmas Song

Every Christmas, families bundle up in their coats and hop in the car to go stare in awe at Christmas light displays. These stunning displays can span for ages, and feature thousands of lights.

Typically, Christmas light displays are set up in large public places, such as a zoo or park.

Photo of a Christmas lights display
Photo by Mario Mendez on Unsplash

But one family in Canada sets up a full-scale Christmas light display in their own yard every year.

This family in Hastings, Ontario has earned worldwide fame for their Hastings Christmas Light Show. What started out as a enjoyable Christmas creation for the family turned into a popular local attraction. So many people started to stop by and make donations to the family that they had to set up a donation box in 2012.

As the family writes on their “About” section of their YouTube channel, they never wanted donations from people for their light displays. So they decided to give all donations they receive to charities that are close to their heart. It’s something they’ve continued since setting up the donation box in 2012, and they’ve now donated thousands to various charities.

The family has created some impressive displays over the years. But one of our favorites is their display from 2013, when they synced their lights to the tune of Faith Hill‘s “Where Are You, Christmas?”

Faith Hill - Where Are You Christmas?

Watch The Beautiful Holiday Lights Dance In Sync With “Where Are You, Christmas?”

Hill recorded “Where Are You, Christmas?” for the 2000 film How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The song peaked at the tenth spot on the Billboard Adult Contemporary chart and has continued to appear on the charts again with each new Christmas season.

Anyone who has heard the song before knows that it would make a stunning soundtrack to a Christmas light show. The family behind the Hastings show felt the same way, so they programmed an entire show to the tune.

You’ll be in awe as you watch the show in the video below. While Hill’s song plays in the background, 20,000 Christmas lights dance across the sky and snow-covered yard in a breathtaking display.

Tune in below to watch the beautiful scene unfold.