Wynnona and Ashley Judd Enjoy Sister Time in Las Vegas

Wynonna Judd / Instagram

Wynonna and Ashley Judd took a sister’s trip to Las Vegas to see their favorite band perform

At the end of February, the sister pair traveled to Las Vegas to see iconic rock band U2 perform at The Sphere – an immersive concert venue that opened late last year.

Wynonna shared a video from the experience, showing her and Ashley singing and dancing along under the lights and visual effects in the state-of-the-art arena. Their joy is visible as they make unforgettable memories together.

Wynonna captioned the post:

“Sister time in Vegas with our favorite band @u2 🥰 WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!!” 


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Ashley Judd shared why U2 is so meaningful to her an Wynonna

In her own post, Ashley Judd tells the story of meeting U2 in 1986 when she was just 19 years old and “cold called” the bands management to ask if she could attend their Paris show. She scored herself a backstage pass where she met crew members and spouses of the band and began a decades-long friendship.

She revealed that it was U2 front man Bono and Bobby Shriver who urged her to get involved with HIV/AIDS advocacy, a cause which she passionately supports to this day.

Ashley reflected on her trip with Wynonna:

“This past weekend, Sister and I cried and danced. We made memories and reminisced. I am so grateful and my cup is full. Crew meal. Quiet time with folks who’ve been with the band since they were punks teens. Sharing the ecstatic music with 18,000 souls. Unforgettable!”  


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The bond between Wynonna and Ashley, who are just four years apart in age, seems to have become particularly strong since the tragic passing of their mother Naomi in April 2022.

We are happy the Judd sisters out enjoying life!