Webcam Captures Bald Eagle Hatching In Southern California

U.S. Forest Service - San Bernardino National Forest / Facebook

According to the U.S. Forest Service, San Bernardino National Forest, the newest member of the eagle family has hatched and arrived in the middle of a snowstorm in Big Bear, California.

With a camera directed straight at the nest 145 feet in the air. The egg that was laid in January and was highly anticipated to hatch since the last few eggs did not do so well in the past few years and finally did.

Two bald eagle mates Shadow and Jackie have incubated over nine eggs over the past three years. Only one eaglet has lived out of each occurrence.

The eagles are located within the San Bernardino National Forest in an area that is closed to the public to avoid disturbances but is located at 7,000 feet in elevation. This is the highest known elevation of a bald eagle nest recorded by the U.S. Forest Service.

Wildlife officers said that a second egg was laid three days after the first egg was laid and is expected to hatch any day now.

“Due to delayed incubation, the first egg usually hatches around 38 to 39 days, the second egg hatches 1 to 2 days after the first,” Audacy says.

As the eaglet stays under the warm wing of its mother and father, everyone on the internet still watches as the other egg is still in the prime position to hatch.

Watch Footage Of The Eagle Family Below