Video: Boy Cries After Hearing Deceased Grandpa’s Voice In Teddy Bear

Jessica Turpin / Twitter

Jessica Turpin from Ohio woman brought a very special gift home to her son after his grandfather tragically died from COVID-19.

Turpin shared that her 6-year-old son, Ryan, has been undergoing treatment for leukemia since 2018. After hearing about the death of his grandfather, “Bubba Lou,” in May, he was utterly devastated.

Turpin was looking for a way to cheer up her son, so she made him a custom Build-A-Bear and used old voicemails from Ryan’s grandfather to create special messages for him when he squeezes the bear.

She even went as far as to dress the toy bear in clothes that were similar to the way his late grandfather dressed when he used to take Ryan to sports games. One final added touch was to the Build-A-Bear “birth certificate” which showed the bear was named Bubba Lou Bear and it was born on the day Ryan’s grandfather died.

When Turpin presented the gift to her son she recorded his heartbreaking reaction.

“I miss him so much,”  Ryan says in the video while clinging to the bear. “I miss you grandpop, I’m always thinking about you and I cry because I really miss you.”

See the emotional video below.