Tyler Hubbard’s 2-Year-Old In ER On Pregnant Wife’s Due Date

Instagram / Hayley Hubbard

On Wednesday, September 16, 2020, Tyler Hubbard of Florida Georgia Line posted a video and a couple of pictures on Instagram, revealing that his two-year-old daughter, Olivia, had to go to the ER after she busted her chin on a coffee table at home.

In the video, Tyler explained that they were at the ER and it was actually his pregnant wife’s due date, however, they were there to fix up his daughter’s chin instead of having a baby. Tyler chuckled at the irony of all they have going on and that not only does his very pregnant wife have to deal with their two young children, but him as well since he is hobbling around with an ankle injury from a dirt biking accident that happened at the end of August.


“Well, we are at the hospital. It’s Hayley’s due date, so we should be here delivering a baby, but we’re actually here getting Liv’s chin stitched up. She fell this afternoon in the living room and busted her chin open on the coffee table. I got a lame foot and Hayley’s about to deliver a baby any minute and this is our Wednesday night.” 

While filming the video you can hear Tyler’s wife, Hayley, telling their daughter that she “was so brave” while getting her stitches in her chin. Liv proudly responded in the sweetest angelic voice. “I was so brave!” In which Tyler replied, “You were so brave! I am so proud of you.”

Watch the adorable video below!