Sadie Robertson Shares Hidden Detail Fiancé Placed On Engagement Ring

(Circle Inlay) Rebecca Robertson Loflin / Instagram/(Background) Sadie Robertson / Instagram

Just days before her 22nd birthday, Duck Dynasty‘s Sadie Robertson got the gift of a lifetime when her boyfriend, Christian Huff, dropped to one knee and asked her to marry him.

I screamed YES,” Sadie wrote alongside a video she shared of Christian’s romantic proposal.

In the days that have followed since that magical moment, Sadie, her friends, and family continued to relive it by sharing sweet photos taken on the day of her engagement.

Many of those photos showcase her gorgeous rose gold ring, which features a round, center stone surrounded by a halo of diamonds.

But there’s one important detail about Sadie’s ring that you can’t see in pictures. And if she had never said anything about it, you never would have known that it’s there!

Those who know Sadie well know that the word “original” means a lot to her. It all started when her dad, Willie, called her “The original” when she was younger.

As Sadie grew older, she adopted the phrase “live original” as her brand, with her popular speaking tour and one of her books being named after the phrase.

The word means so much to her that Sadie even got it tattooed on her arm in tiny cursive font. She only has one other tattoo, and it is the word “fearless.”

Knowing how much the word “original” means to his future wife, Christian had the word engraved on the inside of her engagement ring. This is something that Sadie shared in an Instagram post, otherwise you never would have been able to tell that little detail is there!

He engraved in my ring the word ‘original,'” Sadie wrote. “That to me was so intentional and not only made me feel so loved, but made me feel so known. He knows who my original self is and he is promising to love that version of myself forever.”

You can read Sadie’s full post about her hidden ring detail and the importance of intentionality in her relationship with Christian below.

Want to learn more about why originality means so much to Sadie? Then check out the video below.

It’s clear that the word “original” has been meaningful to Sadie for so long. And it’s clear that Christian knows her well, since he made it part of her engagement ring!