Rory Feek Shows Off Daughter Indy’s New Haircut

Rory Feek / Instagram

Indiana Feek, or Indy for short, was born on February 17, 2014 to parents Joey and Rory Feek, who made up the country music duo Joey + Rory. The couple was married in 2002 and rose to fame after competing on the show Can You Duet?

Initially, though, Joey didn’t want children.

It’s not that she didn’t like kids, she just never saw herself having any,” Rory wrote on his blog, This Life I Live. Rory was already a father to two girls, Heidi and Hopie, and Joey embraced her role as their stepmother fully.

Eventually, Joey changed her mind and felt she was supposed to be a mother to her own child.

Following Indy’s birth, they found out she had Down Syndrome, which would come with a fair share of challenges. Even though they knew Indy would have more difficult obstacles to overcome, it didn’t make them love her less.

Sadly, Joey lost her battle with cervical cancer on March 4, 2016, when Indy was just two years old…but Joey’s love for Indy never wavered.

Since Joey’s diagnosis in May 2014, Rory kept their fans updated through social media and blog posts and people from all over fell in love with the family. Indy turned 6 earlier this year, making us realize just how much she has grown up since we were first introduced to her.

In a post shared on September 1, 2020, Indiana looked even more grown up with a fresh haircut!

Indy sure looks cute w [sic] her new haircut,” her dad captioned the photo while thanking the hair stylist who did the cut.

See photos of Indy’s haircut in the post below. Make sure you swipe through to see them all!