Ree Drummond Shows Off Family Ranch In A Series Of Photos

Ree Drummond - Pioneer Woman / Instagram

It often surprises fans that Ree Drummond, also known as The Pioneer Woman, is a former city girl.

Ree married a cowboy and left the familiarity of the city behind for the Drummond Ranch. It took a few years, but Ree is now well adjusted to life on the ranch. Of course, it probably does not hurt that the Drummond ranch looks like paradise!

Check out Ree’s collection of photos from Instagram below, which offers a peek into a rancher’s paradise.

Ree introduced fans to the fickle Oklahoma weather, such as this pop-up storm.

“Peaceful” skies still look pretty strange…

“The battle of good vs. evil, meteorological edition.” Ree wrote after recording the formation of a storm over her home.

Oklahoma weather is not entirely unforgiving. Sometimes, it apologizes with a beautiful rainbow like the one below.

Clouds are not the only troublemakers on the ranch. Ree shares plenty of pictures of her six dogs, too.

She revealed that her lab, Lucy, is always down for adventure!

Henry seems to favor strolls through the garden.

Of course, Ree could never leave out the cowboys!

“Sometimes you’ve gotta stop and smell the roses. (And film the cowboys.)” Ree revealed on Instagram. 

Ree taught followers that her husband, Ladd, sets the Drummond ranch on fire, which is a vital part of grassland management.

She often shares how the youngest “cowboys” look like out of uniform.

Oklahoma’s sunsets are just the icing on the cake.

Could you pack up and move to a ranch? Ree’s photos make a pretty good argument! You can view more of the Drummond Ranch in the video below.