Netflix Developing “Virgin River” Prequel Series

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If you’re a fan of the Netflix show Virgin River, then get excited!

Netflix just revealed to multiple outlets that they are developing a prequel series that will tell the story of main character Melinda “Mel” Monroe’s parents.

If you are not caught up on all episodes of Virgin River, stop reading here as there are major spoilers!

Season 5 ended with the revelation that Mel figured out the man who she thought was her father, in fact wasn’t. Mel found letters between her late mother, Sarah, and her biological father. After reading them all, Mel and and her fiancé, bar owner Jack, were able to figure out who he was, and even track him down.

The show had a two-part holiday special, which was released in November 2023, it was revealed that Mel’s biological father, Everett Reid, was once a Virgin River resident.

Mel visited him at his cabin, where he said he wasn’t the man she was looking for. Later, he showed up at her cabin revealing that he was, in fact, once in a relationship with her mother, and that he ahd something important to tell her.

That’s where the season ended.

What’s next for Virgin River?

Season 6 just began filming, according to a tweet from Netflix Canada.

Showrunner Patrick Sean Smith told Deadline during a Q&A what we can expect in the next season.

“What we’re exploring more in Season 6 is who Everett Reid is, what his backstory is, what his connection to Virgin River was when he met her mom and then also what it is today.”

Smith also said that the “relationship of Everett with the town as well as Everett and Mel” will be explored.

Everett is played by Baywatch and Santa Barbara alum John Allen Nelson.

Season 6 will premiere in 2025.

What will the Virgin River prequel series be about?

The prequel series will be about Everett and Sarah’s love story: how they met, how they had a child, and how their relationship ended. Deadline also reports that the show is casting young Sarah and Everett for flashbacks in Season 6, and one would think they will likely use them for the prequel series as well.

We are hoping we will meet young Doc and Hope, as well as many of the other mainstay characters!

Will you watch the soon-to-be-titled Virgin River prequel?