MLB Stadium Sells Cutouts Of Fans To Sit In Stands For Games

ABC Grandstand / Facebook

Major League Baseball announced that starting on July 24th, 2020, they will open their season with cutouts of fans in the stands of Oakland Coliseum.

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, stadiums like the coliseum were deemed unsafe for fans to attend and prohibited people from coming in person. However, the spirit of the game is still going strong because fans have been authorized to purchase cutout photos of themselves that will be strapped to the seats attending the baseball games instead.

For A’s Access members, cutouts are only $49, and for everybody else, it’s $89. All of the $129 cutouts that will be in the “Foul Ball Zone” are already sold out at the coliseum. The cutouts will stay in the stadium during the entire season of 2020 and then fans may come to pick them up before the next season starts.

Each person that purchases a cutout will get two tickets to the first exhibition game at the Coliseum during the 2021 season. All of the money collected from the cutouts will go to the Oakland A’s Community Fund.

The Angels are scheduled to play their first game on July 28th, 2020, and will be facing off against the Seattle Mariners. They will become the first team to start four consecutive seasons at the stadium. Learn more about the cutouts in the Twitter link below.