Miranda Lambert Recalls Going Undercover with Her Private Investigator Parents as a Teenager

Instagram/Miranda Lambert

While appearing on Bunnie XO’s podcast earlier this week, Miranda Lambert opened up about her unique childhood experiences growing up with parents who owned a private investigation business.

Miranda Lambert may be a country music sensation now, but before her rise to fame, she spent her childhood tagging along with her parents as they operated their private investigation firm.

“My parents were private investigators. My dad was a police officer, and my mom was a PI,” Lambert told Bunnie. “And my mom talked my dad into being her partner, so they were Lambert & Lambert, I’m like, real clever guys…do better. I’m a songwriter; that’s not acceptable.”

Miranda Lambert with her parents, Richard and Beverly. (photo credit: Instagram/Miranda Lambert)

Lambert explained that much of her parents’ work involved divorce and child custody cases, and she believes that being surrounded by those situations inspired many of the songs she wrote early in her career.

“I’m like 17 [years old] writing divorce songs,” she recalled.

Needless to say, Lambert’s childhood was far from typical because of this. She started tagging along with her parents on their private investigation jobs when she was just three years old.

One of the more outrageous stories Lambert shared on the podcast was a time when she was 15, and her mother used her to scout out alcohol in someone’s house they were investigating.

“One time, I was in high school, I was a cheerleader and my mom took me on a job where I had to put my cheerleading uniform on and pretend to sell cookies for the cheerleading squad,” she explained.

“And she was like, ‘When you get in their house, ask to use their bathroom when they’re getting their money out… see if there’s any liquor because they’re not supposed to be drinking.’ I’m like, ‘I’m 15.’ I’m like, ‘I should be at cheer practice right now.’ She’s like, ‘No, this is what we’re doing.'”

And although this lifestyle may seem crazy, especially for a child growing up, Lambert says it was always normal to her and her brother Luke because they didn’t know anything different.

“It just was normal for us. And I tell people all that, they’re like, that’s so interesting, because it was.”

“She would pick me and Luke up from school in her like, tinted window, shady Suburban. She’d be like, ‘Here’s your coloring books and a snack, we’re gonna be staking out for about five hours.”

It sounds like Lambert has countless wild childhood stories. Maybe one day she’ll write a book about all her outrageous experiences— we’d definitely read that!

Watch Miranda Lambert’s full podcast episode with Bunnie XO below.