Miley’s Mom Calls Her “Disgusting, Bratty Millennial” For Phone Use

Instagram / Miley Cyrus, Tish Cyrus

Miley’s mom, Tish Cyrus, is a lot like many moms in today’s time of internet, apps, and phones. They grew up in a different time, enjoying things in the present – and not having an electronic device glued to their hand.

No doubt – times have changed. The Millennial Generation is known (and berated) over their use of phones, lack of historical knowledge and general addiction to the internet.

Instagram / Miley Cyrus

Tish and Miley have an outstanding relationship and even are currently on a mother/daughter/sister vacation in Arizona and Nevada with sister, Brandi Cyrus.

Along the way, she’s been posting photos of their adventures kayaking, hiking, and enjoying the warm desert sun.

One recent addition to her Instagram story posted by Miley herself showed the jagged difference between generations and their views with a simple paragraph explaining what was going on.

The photo was of Miley sitting down and staring at her phone in a dimly-lit room – clearly taken by Tish. The caption Miley added to the photo said “My mom called this ‘disgusting.'”

“There was a gorgeous sunset and I was inside on my phone ‘serving content’…it’s hard to get in trouble once you’re an adult, but she said I looked like a ‘bratty millennial’!”

She then continued: “But is it bad if I like the pic and wanna post? Is that the worst?”

Check out the full post below

Miley Cyrus
Instagram / Miley Cyrus

Watch the full video below of Brandi and Miley talking about what it’s like to work with their mom.