Levi Wright’s Family Shares Update After Toddler Remains Hospitalized For Brain Injury

Facebook/Kallie Wright

Levi Wright’s family is “taking it day by day” as the 3-year-old remains in the hospital.

On May 21, rodeo star Spencer Wright’s son, Levi, was rushed to Beaver Valley Hospital after driving his toy tractor into a river in Utah. Since then, Levi has been in critical condition and is being monitored at Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City.

Last week, the family shared an incredible update, announcing that Levi had woken up for a moment after being declared brain dead following his near-drowning incident. However, Levi’s mother, Kallie, made it clear that there is still a long journey ahead.

“Just to clarify, Levi waking up doesn’t mean he’s fully coherent or talking or anything like that,” Kallie said in an update on Facebook Friday afternoon. “Just that he opened his eyes for a period of time, wiggled with purpose and less like just a reflex as before. We still have a very long and tremendous road ahead of us, full of unknowns.”

In an update regarding Levi’s condition posted on Sunday, his mother mentioned that the family is “taking it day by day.”

“This is a roller coaster that you go on unwillingly & blindfolded, you do not know what’s coming next. You just get to wait & ride it out. We are taking it day by day.”

Levi has undergone scheduled MRIs to monitor his condition, but his mother clarified that every case is different.

“The term “Brain Injury” is very broad, there are ranges and different severities,” she wrote. “No two brain injuries are alike, even if the accident is similar. No two brains recover or don’t recover the same. There is a lot Medical Professionals don’t know, but what they do tell you is based off legitimate medical literature & history.”

“We are exploring the therapies that have been mentioned, engaging with those we feel can be of support for us & getting as many professional eyes on this as possible,” she added. “We still just need the prayers. We will need them for years to come as I fear we haven’t even reached the hardest part of this.”

In her latest post regarding Levi’s journey, Kallie said that he is currently undergoing another 24-hour EEG to monitor his brain wave activity and has another MRI scheduled for Friday. Their goal this week is to remove his breathing tube to see if he will breath on his own.