Jessie James Decker Flaunts Toned Body In New Bikini Pic

Instagram / Jessie James Decker

Country singer Jessie James Decker got candid in a new Instagram post on Monday, August 31, 2020.

In the post, Jessie shared a photo of herself in a turquoise bikini from her clothing line, Kittenish, and opened up about how she stays in shape, even though she hates working out. She started by saying:

“Gonna be honest… I hate working out. I dread it. I’m one of those girls that watches the clock and counts down to the last second when I can be done. I wish I enjoyed it. I wish I was a big workout junkie but the truth is I just don’t!”

She went on to say that although she despises working out, she knows and understands that in order to receive the results she wants and to maintain them, the hard work has to be done.

“With that being said…/ I do know that in order to achieve The strong body that I want to have and maintain I MUST put the hard work into it.”

Jessie admitted that people ask her all the time what kind of workouts she does and what kind of food she eats to stay in such great shape, especially after having three kids. She shares a daughter and two sons with her husband, former NFL player, Eric Decker. “As far as work outs I’ll be real, I hate running so I don’t do much of that,” she confessed. ” I do enjoy lifting weights and quick circuit training. I love the stairmaster, I love nice long walks (lunges are key, I do 100 at a time). I work out a few times a week and usually no more than 40 minutes time.”

However, she affirmed that nutrition is key when it comes to staying in shape and being healthy. “The biggest factor is watching what I EAT and making sure whatever I’m putting in my body is going to make me feel strong and energized,” she pointed out.

She continued on to say how excited she is to share her new cookbook that includes her personal meal plans and healthy recipes. “I’m really excited to share that in my cookbook @justfeedme I have an ENTIRE chapter on what I eat in a day and recipes to share with you on what it is I eat on a daily basis to maintain. It’s high protein low carbs and these recipes are absolutely delicious that you won’t even feel like you’re watching your fitness!!! I’m really proud of this chapter in particular because it’s something you all been asking me to share for a long time and I finally got to put it all in one spot!”

Check out Jessie James Decker’s post below!