Jelly Roll “Jelly Rolls” Down Stairs Of Private Jet: “I Think I Broke Something”

Photo of Jelly Roll and the jet plane he fell out of.

Jelly Roll / TikTok

Jelly Roll “jelly rolls” out of his private jet to the ground.

For all the die-hard Jelly Roll fans out there, you know that the past few weeks have been quite the rollercoaster ride for the country music artist. From the moment where fans threw weed onto the stage to the adrenaline-pumping sight of a fan darting across a venue’s rooftop during one of his performances, the exhilaration never stops with Jelly Roll. Mix in some heartwarming moments like him showing love to a special needs fan, and it’s clear why folks can’t seem to get enough of this talented singer.

Jelly Roll shares the story about his falling down the jet plane stairs.

Just recently, Jelly Roll took tumble out of his private jet and told the story about it on Instagram, also showing footage of the fall, saying, “If you want to see me bust my a**… keep watching this video. Story Time with Uncle Roll.”

Our man Jelly said his tour bus pulled right up to the private jet and with it being such a cool experience for him, he wanted to film a video of him walking off the bus and onto the private jet.

He successfully filmed a video of him doing that, so he decided to take another video of him walking off the plane and back onto the tour bus. However, that’s when things didn’t go to plan…

Jelly Roll / TikTok

Jelly slipped, Jelly fell, and Jelly landed on his tail.

In the video, Jelly’s footing appeared to have slipped and he took an unexpected tumble down the jet plane’s staircase while recording everything on his phone. It got worse, however — Jelly Roll started saying, “Yeah, I think I broke something,” as he laid on the ground moaning and groaning.

“Ankle – arm- shoulder, everything you can hurt in that little scenario,” he said to a pilot  who came to him and bent down to offer him some help.

Fortunately, in the end, Jelly Roll did not seriously injure himself. Speaking about it afterward, it all came down to a clumsy moment and instead of hiding it from the world, he decided to use what many would call embarrassing footage and shared it with everyone so they could get a laugh out of it too.

Humble as always, even though he’s made it to “rock star” level, Jelly Roll is still that man who’s down-to-earth and not afraid to share his not-so-flattering moments in life.

MORE: Jelly Roll Visits Recovering Addicts At Virginia Jail, “This Is Special”

Watch the video below to hear Jelly Roll telling the full story of the jet plane incident and to see him “jelly rolling” out of the jet plane.