Jason Aldean’s Wife Spent 5 Hours In ER, Diagnosed With Pleurisy

Brittany Aldean / Instagram

On Thursday, Jan. 21, Jason Aldean’s wife, Brittany, spent five hours in the emergency room due to chest pains.

Fortunately, the doctors reached a medical diagnosis. Brittany shared with her Instagram followers that she has pleurisy, which is not a serious condition. According to the Mayo Clinic, pleurisy is when the two large, thin layers of tissue that separate the lungs from the chest wall become inflamed. The inflammation causes a sharp pain that worsens with breathing.


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Brittany shared with her followers that she was in bed with “the worst chest pains.” Eventually, she and her husband made a trip to the ER. Following her diagnosis, Brittany shared the treatment for pleurisy with her followers.

“To help this, uh, you take ibuprofen,” Brittany sheepishly admitted on her Instagram Story. “I hear wine is a cure, but also, I think I’m gonna get divorced now, because I just put this man [Jason] through five hours at the ER.”


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Jason joked that Advil would have taken care of her pain within minutes, and Brittany quickly defended herself. In the Instagram Story, she stated:

“Okay, in my defense, it was very painful, and I thought maybe I was having a heart attack.”

Learn more about Jason and Brittany’s relationship in the video below!