“Idol” Hopeful Brings Judges To Tears With Emotional Tribute To His Troubled Brother

Isaiah Moore sings

Isaiah Moore's Luke Combs cover brings "Idol" judges to tears (Photo credit: American Idol/YouTube)

Isaiah Moore, a 22-year-old Alabama native, skipped his honeymoon to audition for American Idol with a beautiful Luke Combs cover.

The second episode of American Idol‘s 23rd season featured impressive talent and emotional auditions, including a tear-jerking cover of Luke Comb‘s “Where The Wild Things Are” by Isaiah Moore.

Moore told the judges that he and his brother were put in foster care as kids. Their mom struggled with addiction and was in and out of jail throughout their childhood. “By God’s grace and His blessings,” Isaiah’s grandparents took him and his brother in.

Isaiah shared that his mom has been sober for three years, and she, along with his grandparents, was at the audition with him to cheer him on.

“The most important people in my life are here today,” Moore told the judges. “I’m missing one person that I wish was here…”

He then dedicated his audition to his brother. “This song goes out to my brother. He’s been having a hard time this last year. And I worry about him. I love him. I know that he loves me. I just don’t want him to go down the same path my mom went down. I’m singing this for him.”

Isaiah Moore sang Luke Combs’ “Where The Wild Things Are.”

“Where The Wild Things Are” is a single from Combs’ album Gettin’ Old. The emotionally charged tune tells the story of a brother’s adventurous and free spirit. At the end of the song, the brother loses his life in a motorcycle accident but dies doing what he loved.

As Isaiah sang the powerful lyrics, the judges are clearly moved. Luke Bryan told the singer, “I think there’s a story in that voice. That song kind of showcases a lot of parallels in your life and a lot of peoples’ lives. I enjoyed it. Good job.”


“I felt the passion. I felt the pain. You’re carrying a lot inside, but your blessing is that you can actually deliver it in a vocal. It’s touching,” Lionel Richie told him.

Isaiah’s family joined him in the audition room to hear his fate. He introduced his wife, grandparents, and mom, all of whom were beaming with pride.

Isaiah Moore hugs his grandma after his emotional American Idol audition.
Isaiah Moore introduces his grandmother to the judges after his American Idol audition (Photo credit: American Idol/YouTube)

Moore received unanimous approval from the judging panel to advance to Hollywood Week. Hear Isaiah Moore’s touching rendition of “Where The Wild Things Are” in the video below.