Horse Becomes Celebrity After Making Weekly Trips To Dunkin’ Donuts

David Bosselait / Facebook

Retired bull rider David Bosselait and his eight-year-old trusty steed, Jackson, have been becoming local celebrities in their town of LaBelle, Florida after making several rides into the city to stand in the Dunkin’ Donuts drive-through line and receive their order.

David says he and Jackson make a trip into town about once a week and have become very well known at Dunkin’ Donuts. He says they are always being watched by the locals and have officially become regulars at the establishment.

The journey to Dunkin’ Donuts is a about 12 miles. “It’s a half-a-day event. Once we make it over the bridge, we head right to Dunkin’ Donuts to get our coffee,” David told WBBH-TV.

Some of David and Jackson’s adventures into town have been documented on his Facebook page. David says when they finally make it to Dunkin’s, he always gets himself a coffee and his horse a donut.

“His order is just a plain donut hole,” he said, talking about Jackson.

The employees at Dunkin’ are always glad to see Jackson coming through the drive-thru.

“They like to pat him, they scratch him, they hand him his donut,” David said.

Overall, David believes the weekly trips to town are making a very positive impact on the horse’s mental, physical and emotional health.

“It’s a good experience for Jackson to be around the vehicles and whatnot,” he said. “Really shows him patience and, you know, to stay focused.”

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