Genius Man Puts Lure Up To Bass Pro Shop Tank To See If Fish Approve

@justwentfishing / Instagram

If you want to know what fishing lure will work on a bass before you buy it then one fisherman has a special technique that might just help you out.

Ryan, who also goes by the Instagram name @justwentfishing, posted a video on the social media platform showing his friend holding up a baited lure to the bass fish inside a tank in the Bass Pro Shop to see if the fish would show interest in it.

The brilliant idea of the fishermen worked because Ryan’s friend move the bait across the glass of the tank mimicking the same movements as something alive swimming underwater and sure enough, the bass showed interest in it and began to swim towards the bait.

@justwentfishing / Instagram

“Oh yea, that purple one,” the fisherman said in the video about the lure as he watched the fish lock eyes on it.

Every qualified fisherman knows the three main things to know about fishing is what works, what doesn’t, and where the fish are at. You have to give Ryan and his friend credit for testing out the lure right there in the Bass Pro Shop before purchasing the bait.

Maybe next time you’re in the Bass Pro Shop and you’re buying the next lure you can test it out on the fish in the tank yourself to see if it worked as it did for Ryan.

Take A Look At Ryan’s Instagram Video Below