Beloved Duck Dynasty star, Si Robertson was taken to the emergency room after an accident during a duck hunting trip.
Si Robertson, 76, starred on Duck Dynasty for five years and was a viewer favorite. Affectionately known as Uncle Si, the 76-year-old is the younger brother of Duck Commander patriarch Phil Robertson and became known on the series for his sense of humor, ability to tell intriguing stories, and love of iced tea.
In the latest episode of the Duck Call Room podcast, Si was noticeably absent and it was shared that he wasn’t there due to a hunting accident. Justin Martin, a family friend, and Duck Commander employee shared the circumstances surrounding Uncle Si’s accident.
Martin, Uncle Si, and two other men traveled to Arkansas last weekend to duck hunt. The men boarded a boat, along with their decoys and other hunting gear, and traveled to where the duck blinds are located.
After a successful hunt, the men returned to the shore by boat. As soon as the boat made it to shore, Uncle Si got off the side of the boat instead of waiting for gear to be taken off so that he could get off at the front.
“Typical Silas Robertson, he’s in a dang hurry to get out of the boat and into the Polaris, he fell,” Martin recalled. “He fell trying to get out of the boat…it’s steep right there. He went to take a long step instead of waiting on us.”
Martin added that when Si fell he landed on his oxygen machine.
“He bounced right back up…he didn’t want anybody to see that he fell.”
Uncle Si denied that he was hurt, but his behavior sent a different message.
Si denied that he was hurting, but his silence gave away that there was something going on.
“We get back to the clubhouse, and breakfast is done and we’re looking up and there’s no Si. He’s just sitting outside in the cold. I immediately thought he had a concussion because it was out of character,” Justin said. “He ate and he was real quiet. Another red flag, right?”
The group traveled back to their homes in Louisiana, and three days after their return, they received a call that Si was being taken to the emergency room.
Si was in an enormous amount of pain and had seriously low oxygen numbers. His wife and caretaker took him to a walk-in clinic, where he was told to get to the emergency room as soon as possible.
Uncle Si’s Diagnosis
After a thorough checkup that included x-rays of his lungs and ribs and extensive bloodwork to rule out any other issues, Uncle Si received good news. His ribs weren’t broken, as they suspected, but bruised. All of his bloodwork results showed that he was in good health.
As to what caused his oxygen levels to drop, Martin suspects that Si was suffering panic attacks due to his concern that something was seriously wrong. Almost immediately upon learning that all was well, Si’s levels normalized. He was released from the hospital and is recovering.
Watch the men of the Duck Call Room recall the story of Uncle Si’s accident in the video below.