Dog The Bounty Hunter Asks Fans To Post Photos For Beth On Upcoming Anniversary Of Her Death

Duane Lee Chapman / Instagram

On June 26, 2019, Beth Chapman passed away following a lengthy cancer battle. She was 51 years old.

Beth passed away in Hawaii, which is where her husband, Duane “Dog” Chapman, her friends, and her other family members gathered to hold a “paddle out” in her honor.

Now, as we approach the one year anniversary of her passing, folks will get together in Hawaii once more to honor Beth with a paddle out.

Dog and Beth’s daughter, Cecily, is organizing the paddle out being held on the one year anniversary of her mom’s death. 

On June 26,2020 Cecily B Chapman will be hosting a 1 year remembrance of her beloved Mom Beth Chapman! #fortheloveofbeth,” read a post Cecily published on Instagram. “The paddle out will begin at 5:30 pm at Waimanalo Beach. Prayer will take place on the beach and in the water. Bring your boards and flowers so we can remember Mrs. Dog the right way.”

Dog also shared Cecily’s message on his own Instagram page. In their posts, Cecily and Dog let their fans know what they could do if they don’t live in Hawaii but would still like to pay tribute to Beth on the anniversary of her death.

Not in Hawaii,” read their message. “Go on a walk, hike and take a picture. Let’s make it viral. Post a picture on all your social media accounts using the #fortheloveofbeth hashtag!!!! Please share and spread the word!

If you would like to share a post in remembrance of Beth, the one year anniversary of her death is on Friday (June 26). As Dog and Cecily said, be sure to include the hashtag #fortheloveofbeth in your post so it can be found with all of the other tributes.

It’s hard to believe it has already been a year since Beth left this world. She is missed.