Dog Becomes New Mother To Orphaned Opossums – Carries Them On Her Back

Stephanie Maldonado Adestramento de Cães / Facebook

Here’s the incredible story of when a woman took in some baby opossums after their mother died and to her surprise, her dog decided to adopt the opossums as well and treated them as if they were her own.

Stephanie Maldonado, a dog instructor in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil rescued some baby opossums on January 16th, 2016 after her uncle’s dog attacked and killed the mother. She immediately took them to a local wildlife rescue center but unfortunately they told her that the entire facility was filled to the max and couldn’t take the baby opossums.

That didn’t stop Stephanie though, she decided to take the orphans back to her house to attempt to raise them on her own. The opossums were not too far from being newborns and really needed a lot of love and affection. To Stephanie’s surprise, she showed the orphans to her dog Pretinha and Pretinha stepped up to the plate of motherhood and took on the role as these opossums’ mother.

Stephanie said, at first sight, Pretinha ran right up to them and started licking and smelling them. Her maternal instincts kicked in and all she wanted to do is nurture the baby opossums. Stephanie said Pretinha was fixed so she couldn’t produce milk so Stephanie did the feeding part while Pretinha did the nurturing and physical touch part.

Pretinha even carried the opossums on her back like their real mother would have done. The two raised the opossums until they got old enough to be on their own and then were released back into the wild. The story is just heartwarming and you can click the image below to take a look at all the other pictures of the dog and opossums together.