Country Music Stars React To Florida High School Tragedy

Mark Wilson / Getty Images

Upset, ashamed, saddened, disgusted, grief – those are all words country music stars used to describe how they were feeling after watching yet another mass shooting blast across the news all over the world.

On Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2018, a 19-year-old former student lured students at his old high school into the open by pulling a fire alarm switch before opening fire on them.

17 people were killed in this horrifying and tragic mass murder – and it has been named one of the deadliest shootings in U.S. history. The gunman, Nikolas Cruz, was previously expelled from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School for various disciplinary issues.

This shooting comes just months after a gunman opened fire on the Route 91 Harvest Country Music Festival in Las Vegas, killing 58 people and injuring more than 700 others. That shooting stands as the deadliest in our nation’s modern history.

Now, country music artists are taking to social media expressing their unending grief, sadness, and even anger – anger that this shooting was able to occur after all the heartbreak we have experienced as a nation.

Read the statements from folks all over the industry below, and share your feelings in the comments.

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Florida and those affected by this terrible tragedy.