Blake Shelton Pissed Off When Kelly Blocks Him From Bluegrass Singer

The Voice / YouTube

The second Laura Littleton started singing her audition on The Voice, all four coaches perked up. She was singing Harry Styles’ hit song “Sign of the Times,” but in a bluegrass style.

Coach Kelly Clarkson was so interested that she used her one and only Block for the season on Littleton. She decided to block fellow coach Blake Shelton, especially after hearing the country-sounding music in the background.

Immediately, Shelton was upset and Clarkson was reveling in what she had just done, even yelling that it was “Bull crap” that he was blocked since he believed he turned before Clarkson did.

Clarkson was so focused on the country sound she heard, she forgot to think about another coach who has a connection to the song. Newcomer Niall Horan was for many years part of the boy band One Direction with Harry Styles.

When the song was over, Chance the Rapper was the only coach who didn’t turn, but he says he regretted his decision almost immediately. Shelton was even more mad that he was blocked when he found out Littleton was from Tennessee and a certified country girl. In trying to sway her to choose Horan, Shelton told the Voice hopeful to remember who made it so they wouldn’t be able to work together.

Horan’s first plea for Littleton was that he knows Harry Styles, the singer of the song she chose. And once he started talking about the type of song “Sign of the Times” was when it came out, Clarkson said she “should have blocked Niall.”

Ultimately, Littleton chose to join Niall Horan’s team! See her very unique audition below. We have a feeling she will go far!