Bindi Irwin Still Cries About Dad Steve Irwin’s Death

Hip Hop Mix Planet / YouTube, Bindi Irwin / Instagram

They say time heals all wounds, but for Bindi Irwin, she says “that’s not true.”

Her father, the legendary Steve Irwin, passed away in 2006 when she was eight years old and her brother Robert was just two.

Steve rose to fame thanks to his wildlife series The Crocodile Hunter and was filming a documentary titled Ocean’s Deadliest when he was stung by a stingray. The stingray’s poisonous barb on its tail went up and into his chest, piercing a hole in his heart.

Bindi once told PEOPLE, “I remember people coming up to me and saying, ‘I’m sorry for your loss, sweetheart. Time heals all wounds.’ But that’s just not true. It’s like losing a part of your heart, and when you’ve lost that, you never get it back.”

Now, 13 years later, Bindi, Robert, and their mom Terri work tirelessly to keep Steve’s legacy alive. While they have their own show again, titled Crikey! It’s The Irwins, the world was really re-introduced to Bindi when she competed, and won, Dancing With The Stars in 2015. Almost every dance had a sweet tribute to her father, especially “Most Memorable Year” week.

Even though many years have passed since Steve’s death, Bindi just made an emotional confession to PEOPLE Magazine – that she still cries when she sees footage of her father.

She said that on an ordinary day, “we were playing the video where we petition against harvesting of crocodile eggs. There’s old footage of dad with the crocodiles and, even though I’ve seen the video maybe 50 times, that day I started crying.”

Some days you feel the grief more than others. What gets to me are those moments when I’d love him to be here to share what we’re doing,” she revealed.

Watch another clip that always gets Bindi emotional below. It’s a video of Steve talking about his love for her.